Utilising the renowned healing properties of silver.
SILVERETTE® are worn over the nipples, helping to protect and heal sore, damaged nipples from breastfeeding. They take advantage of the natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of silver, providing a healing environment for breastfeeding nipples.
Made of 925 sterling silver, SILVERETTE® cup, simply place the cups over your nipples, using your bra and/or nursing pads to hold them into place. Wear them night and day, in between nursing sessions, until the pain/damage has resolved.They should be the only nipple care product you will need, avoiding all creams, balms and ointments.
*Please note: While some irritation and discomfort from breastfeeding can be expected, especially as a first time mother, significant pain or nipple damage should be investigated further. We recommend seeking the professional help of a Lactation Consultant to ensure the latch and positioning are correct and to ensure that there is no undiagnosed lip and/or tongue tie. SILVERETTE® cups will help to heal any existing damage while the underlying cause is being determined.
"I got Silverette as a last resort. My boy is a premie and his never had a good latch. I can only feed him with shield. But as his latch is shallow and my nipples are quite flat. We've had some issues. Cracks, infections and pain. I was about to give up breastfeeding and my friend told me to try sounds crazy but 3 hrs later the pain in my beast felt so much better! After 24hs I had no pain! And my nipples looked and felt great. I can not believe that they worked and worked so well.. I feel so much happier not been in pain. They are wonderful. So happy I tried them, now I can carry on breastfeeding"
Sarah, NZ (July '18)
"They were amazing!
Got me through the first few weeks of him learning to latch and my nipples getting used to it, I find I don’t need them anymore.
They were so essential in the beginning, even just protecting your nipple from your own clothes so important! Highly recommend these!"
Jess, NZ (June, '18)
"I had severe cracked nipples with my son when he was born to the point i was going to stop breastfeeding, i brough silverette cups when he was 3 weeks old after trying everything else i was recommended. Within 3 days of wearing them my nipples were completly healed and now i am ebf with no cracks or pain! I would highly recommend using these"
Mikki, NZ (April '18)