

I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), teacher and writer based in Wädenswil, Switzerland, working locally, nationally and globally. As an infant feeding, breastfeeding and lactation specialist, I see the deep impact that infant feeding issues can have on new parenthood, and aim to smooth this transition as much as possible. 

I have extensive additional training in perinatal mental health and trauma, tethered oral tissues (tongue tie etc), suck rehabilitation and the most complex of feeding issues, and am passionate about using a variety of techniques to give parents agency and confidence, alongside a vastly extensive knowledge-base. 


In addition to my practice, Milk and Motherhood, I also work as lactation consultant in other capacities: 

Research Assistant, Teacher and Writer

  • Teacher, presenter and international speaker for the European Society of Paediatric Research and the European Society of Neonatology.
  • Working together with the University of Zurich to better the world’s understanding of breastfeeding as a women’s health and infant health issue.
  • Writer for a variety of global magazines and journals, with a focus on maternal identity, breastfeeding trauma and grief, and at-breast supplementation. 

Community Support

  • Founder and administrator of the 3000 member support group “Breastfeeding Mamas in Switzerland”, providing an opportunity for quality support for both mothers and health professionals throughout the country. 
  • Founder and administrator of the Swiss peer-to-peer milk sharing group, ‘Human Milk 4 Human Babies – Switzerland’, allowing for families to have more options for informed infant feeding choices.

International Speaker

  • Presenter for a variety of large international conferences, such as Gold Lactation Conferences, ELACTA, iLactation and the International Breastfeeding and Feminism Conference in the US. 
  • Panel member for the WHO’s Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Congress.

Trusted Advisor

  • Google Zurich’s onsite breastfeeding advisor throughout the opening of new breastfeeding and parenting facilities.
  • Working alongside paediatricians, psychologists, gynaecologists, midwives, speech pathologists, paediatric dieticians, osteopaths, ENT surgeons, dentists, osteopaths, etc. 

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Memberships and Affiliations

  • ELACTA European Lactation Consultants Alliance 
  • IATTP International Affiliation of Tongue Tie Professionals
  • BSS Berufsverband der Schweizerischen Still- und Laktationsberaterinnen 
  • IBLCE International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (Committee member)
  • Gold Lactation Professional Advisory Committee
  • ILCA International Lactation Consultant Association 

Background and Education

  • 2017-present: Private Practice Lactation Consultant and Infant Feeding Specialist at Milk and Motherhood 
  • 2022-present: Advanced training in Perinatal Mental Health Psychotherapy.
  • 2017-19: International Board Certified Lactation Consultant at Praxiszentrum Arcus, Zurich.  
  • 2006: Bachelor of Education (English/Science) / Bachelor of Arts (English/Creative Writing) 
  • 2002: Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Paediatrics)
  • 2000: Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
  • Advanced additional training and certifications in :
    • Oral rehabilitation and Tethered Oral Tissues 
    •  Maternal Mental Health and Trauma
    • Motivational Interviewing and counselling for health care professionals
    • Myofunctional Therapy


Prolific writer of all things infant feeding and parenting related. Published in these international magazines and journals, among others:


“I just reached 6 months of exclusively breastfeeding my little one and wouldn’t have made it this far without Johanna’s incredible help and support. She not only has a wealth of knowledge to share in a very approachable way, but she also knows how to do this in a truly caring and genuine way that makes you feel comfortable and positive about your situation. My only change is wishing I knew about her before my birth to be better prepared.”

– Holly


Originally from Australia, I now live in Zürich Switzerland with my husband and two growing boys.

My passion for breastfeeding support began after experiencing the personal trauma of being unable to feed my children in the way I had always expected, hoped and dreamed. So now, after many years of very intense studying, my goal is to be able to give women what I wasn’t able to find: real answers, and real evidence, while supporting women when they are often at their most vulnerable.

I love writing, painting, my piano and guitar, huge hot baths, my little flower garden, and doing crosswords with my lovely man. I definitely do not love aeroplanes, oysters, or judgemental attitudes. After camping and cycling around Europe for a year, I’m quite happy to avoid these two activities for the near future!

WHO conference on breastfeeding

Speaking at the WHO

Last weekend, I travelled to Geneva to speak on a panel at the World Health Organisation’s Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative congress. Surrounded by over 300

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